People wishing to inquire about joining Macquarie Singers can complete this form**. Details will be forwarded to the Membership Secretary who will respond within a few days.
Follow up inquiries can be made to
Membership fees :
Full fee $360, $290 (pension card holders – not senior cards, sorry!) and $70 (students).
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MUS Performances
Sat 21 JuneDynasty Concert
Starts: 3:00 pm
Location: Turramurra Uniting Church, 10 Turramurra Ave, Turramurra NSW 2074, Australia
MUS Special Events
Sat 22 MarchFree Workshop
Starts: 3:00 pm
Ends: 5:30 pm
Location: North Ryde Uniting Church, 2 Cutler Parade, North Ryde NSW 2113, Australia
Member Diary
Mon 10 FebruaryMembership-Joining and Renewal
Starts: 6:30 pm
Ends: 7:00 pm
Rehearsal MUS1
Starts: 7:00 pm
Ends: 9:30 pm
Location: North Ryde Uniting Church, 2 Cutler Parade, North Ryde NSW 2113, Australia
Mon 17 FebruaryRehearsal MUS1
Starts: 7:00 pm
Ends: 9:30 pm
Location: North Ryde Uniting Church, 2 Cutler Parade, North Ryde NSW 2113, Australia
Mon 24 FebruaryRehearsal MUS1
Starts: 7:00 pm
Ends: 9:30 pm
Location: North Ryde Uniting Church, 2 Cutler Parade, North Ryde NSW 2113, Australia
Mon 03 MarchRehearsal MUS1
Starts: 7:00 pm
Ends: 9:30 pm
Location: North Ryde Uniting Church, 2 Cutler Parade, North Ryde NSW 2113, Australia
Mon 10 MarchRehearsal MUS1
Starts: 7:00 pm
Ends: 9:30 pm
Location: North Ryde Uniting Church, 2 Cutler Parade, North Ryde NSW 2113, Australia
Mon 17 MarchRehearsal MUS1
Starts: 7:00 pm
Ends: 9:30 pm
Location: North Ryde Uniting Church, 2 Cutler Parade, North Ryde NSW 2113, Australia